3 research outputs found

    Elektronický systém pro podporu provádění klinických studií s možností zpracování dat pomocí umělé inteligence

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    An increasing amount of data are collected through wearable devices during ambulatory, and long-term monitoring of biological signals, adoption of persuasive technology and dynamics of clinical trials information sharing - all of that changes the possible clinical intervention. Moreover, more and more smartphone apps are hitting the market as they become a tool in daily life for many people around the globe. All of these applications are generating a tremendous amount of data, that is difficult to process using traditional methods, and asks for engagement of advanced methods of data processing. For recruiting patients, this calls for a shift from traditional methods of engaging patients to modern communication platforms such as social media, that are providing easy access to up- to-date information on an everyday basis. These factors make the clinical study progression demanding, in terms of unified participant management and processing of connected digital resources. Some clinical trials put a strong accent on remote sensing data and patient engagement through their smartphones. To facilitate this, a direct participant messaging, where the researchers give support, guidance and troubleshooting on a personal level using already adopted communication channels, needs to be implemented. Since the...Objem dat, který je generován nositelnými zařízeními v průběhu ambulatorního i dlouhodobého snímání biologických signálů, adopce pervazivních technologií a dynamika předávání informací v rámci klinických studií - to vše mění způsoby, kterým mohou prováděny klinické studie. Více a více aplikací, které přicházejí na trh se stávají pomůckou v denním životě lidí po celém světě. Všechny tyto aplikace produkují obrovské množství dat, jež je obtížné zpracovat tradičními metodami, a vyvstává tak nutnost využití pokročilých metod. Je také možné sledovat odvrat od tradičních metod náboru pacientů, k moderním komunikačním platformám jako sociální sítě, které usnadňují přístup k aktuálním informacím. Tyto faktory činí postup v klinické studii náročným s ohledem na management účastníků studie a zpracování informací ze zdrojů dat. Některé klinické studie kladou velký důraz na sběr dat ze senzorů a zapojení pacientů do studie prostřednictvím jejich mobilních telefonů. Pro usnadnění tohoto přístupu, je nutné využít přímou komunikací s pacientem, kdy administrátoři studie poskytují podporu a pomáhají řešit problémy, které se mohou v průběhu studie vyskytnout, a to za pomocí moderních komunikačních platforem a elektronických zpráv vedených přímo s účastníkem studie. Celý tento postup je nicméně časově náročný, a je...Centre for Practical Applications Support and Spin-off Companies of the 1st Faculty of Medicine Charles UniversityCentrum podpory aplikačních výstupů a spin-off firem 1. LF UK1. lékařská fakultaFirst Faculty of Medicin

    Electronic clinical study management system with artificial intelligence-based data processing capabilities

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    An increasing amount of data are collected through wearable devices during ambulatory, and long-term monitoring of biological signals, adoption of persuasive technology and dynamics of clinical trials information sharing - all of that changes the possible clinical intervention. Moreover, more and more smartphone apps are hitting the market as they become a tool in daily life for many people around the globe. All of these applications are generating a tremendous amount of data, that is difficult to process using traditional methods, and asks for engagement of advanced methods of data processing. For recruiting patients, this calls for a shift from traditional methods of engaging patients to modern communication platforms such as social media, that are providing easy access to up- to-date information on an everyday basis. These factors make the clinical study progression demanding, in terms of unified participant management and processing of connected digital resources. Some clinical trials put a strong accent on remote sensing data and patient engagement through their smartphones. To facilitate this, a direct participant messaging, where the researchers give support, guidance and troubleshooting on a personal level using already adopted communication channels, needs to be implemented. Since the..

    Electronic clinical study management system with artificial intelligence-based data processing capabilities

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    An increasing amount of data are collected through wearable devices during ambulatory, and long-term monitoring of biological signals, adoption of persuasive technology and dynamics of clinical trials information sharing - all of that changes the possible clinical intervention. Moreover, more and more smartphone apps are hitting the market as they become a tool in daily life for many people around the globe. All of these applications are generating a tremendous amount of data, that is difficult to process using traditional methods, and asks for engagement of advanced methods of data processing. For recruiting patients, this calls for a shift from traditional methods of engaging patients to modern communication platforms such as social media, that are providing easy access to up- to-date information on an everyday basis. These factors make the clinical study progression demanding, in terms of unified participant management and processing of connected digital resources. Some clinical trials put a strong accent on remote sensing data and patient engagement through their smartphones. To facilitate this, a direct participant messaging, where the researchers give support, guidance and troubleshooting on a personal level using already adopted communication channels, needs to be implemented. Since the..